Fresh Embryo Transfer

Menstrual Cycle Prior to Your IVF Cycle

1 or 2 treatments

  • Eases stress and anxiety

Stimulation Phase

2 or 3 treatments during the time of ovarian stimulation medications leading up to egg retrieval (FSH injections).

  • Improves egg quality and quantity

  • Increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries

  • Reduces side effects from medications

  • Improves the uterine lining

  • Eases stress and anxiety

Day of Transfer

1 treatment as close to the embryo transfer as possible

  • Reduces uterine contractions

  • Improves uterine blood flow

  • Eases stress and anxiety

Post Transfer

One treatment in the 2-7 days following the embryo transfer

  • Supports embryo implantation and early pregnancy

  • Reduces uterine contractions

  • Eases stress and anxiety

This is the treatment schedule we have found to be the most effective for our patients. However, we are happy to adjust the schedule to fit your individual situation.